
busy finding balॐnce-logo.png

Wait, so what is this blog?

Honestly, this blog is mainly for me. It's a creative outlet where I'm hoping to work out all of the messy ideas, frustrations, feelings, and thoughts I have about current events, life, law, and everything in between in an effort to achieve balance. 


As a socio-cultural anthropologist with a feminist perspective, I have a unique understanding of how and why people behave, act, and react to things the way they do within multiple layers of intersecting lived experiences. Simply put, I'm basically an academically-trained people watcher. Everything is relational to one another. Everything is symbiotically dependent on one another. Everything is deeply interconnected to one another. My anthropological and feminist perspective gives me insight into how people navigate their way through the world and how peoples' experiences necessarily affect how they perceive the world.

As a law student, I try to bring these anthropological and feminist perspectives in to my studies (and eventually, in to my practice) to better understand how the law affects peoples' lives and how peoples' experiences with the law shapes their agency. I hope to try to use these perspectives - or this "skill set" - to better understand my future clients by contextualizing their actions or reactions to triggers within our social system. My hope is that by understanding why my client did X, how s/he came to do Y, and what pushed s/he to do Z, I will become a better advocate for them to get them the justice they deserve. As a law student, I am constantly struggling to reconcile and balance opposing values within society, within jurisprudence, and within myself.

As a young woman, I often find myself lost in my own thoughts. 50% of the time I find myself thinking about the past and 50% of the time I find myself thinking about the future. While that seems pretty balanced, it's actually not a good thing! It's literally the worst. What I would like to see is for me to get to a point within myself where I am 100% present. I'd like to be able to fully appreciate every moment - all the moments - of my life because while it may sure as hell be messy, complicated, confusing, and frustrating, it's the only life I've got. And it's beautiful.

As a hot yogi, I am actively compelled to be present in every asana on my mat. I am encouraged to be mindful, to be meditative, and to feel every sweaty and uncomfortable moment. In fact, yoga forces me to find comfort in discomfort by the simple act of breathing. Deep breaths lead me to softening; softening allows me to create the space for better things. The push and pull, yin and yang, and opposing forces of each pose demands that I find physical balance. But what I truly love about yoga is that it's a practice that is not limited to my mat; SO MUCH NO - it is a practice WITHOUT limits! It's meant to be continued to be lived, to be experienced, to be felt - all in an effort to bring about balance in one's life. 

So, that's what this blog is. It's about anthropology. It's about law. It's about life. It's about yoga. It's about me. Trying to achieve balance in all of these areas of this beautiful thing called life and everything in between. 

